WC Saga Turns Two Years Old Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Tolwyn from WC Saga called up to let us know that their total conversion for Freespace 2 has turned two years old. Here is a commemorative wallpaper to celebrate.

For more than 10 years people are being fascinated by the mythos of Wing Commander. Wing Commander games are more than just an entertainment; they are the force that binds us as a strong community together; the common link that touches humanity of all of us. And that is why we love Wing Commander.

And so it comes that exactly two years ago I have started the project entitled Wing Commander Freespace Total Conversion. In these two years the project has grown and evolved and now it is close to completion.

In order to celebrate our 2nd anniversary I have created a wallpaper, which shows the entire TCS Kennedy flight group. More information regarding the Organization of the Carrier Battle Group can be found at the Fleet Tactics web site.


They plan to make it playable off the Freespace 2 demo, so no external software should be necessary. I can't wait.

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